Guide Bridge Railway Station
Change of Use from railway building to Railway Museum and Operating Base for Community Volunteers.
Published: July 14, 2023

This project benefitted from Grundy Architectures expert services of:

The Details

Our Project Summary

Woodhead Railway Heritage Group are a voluntary railway heritage group and have recently secured the use of redundant railway buildings at Guide Bridge railway station to the east of Greater Manchester to form a museum spotlighting the now partially closed Woodhead rail route.

We undertook a measured survey at the site to capture the data for the building before translating into formal plans and elevations. The client had already undertook consultations with Tameside MBC Planning Department but needed support with preparing drawings which were suitable to accompany the planning application.

The building itself is very typical of station buildings in the north of England and its heritage features such as arched head windows and brickwork detailing made it a pleasure to draw. We also prepared a Design and Access Statement incorporating an assessment of flood risk to accompany the application detailing why the change of use was necessary.

Woodhead Railway Heritage Group have great plans for the museum, and we cannot wait to see it open!

To stay up to date with the Guide Bridge Railway Museum project, please visit: 

Guide Bridge Railway Station

Our Delivery

  • Measured Survey
  • Preparation of Existing and Proposed Plans
  • Preparation of Change of Use Plans
  • Preparation of Design and Access Statement
Guide Bridge Railway Station
Change of Use from railway building to Railway Museum and Operating Base for Community Volunteers.