9 step process

Permitted Development

Not all building work requires planning permission. Homeowners often seek to create additional living space, adding significant value to their homes in the process.

However, there are limits to what one can build under permitted development. At Grundy Architecture we draw upon our endless experience to ensure the build stays within the changing guidelines of permitted devlopment.

6 week Timeframe

Week 0.

Permitted Development is a project of work which does not require Planning Permission to be undertaken. A typical headline workflow for Permitted Development is shown below:

1. Initial meeting with client on-site & brief taken.

We do not charge for this meeting and use it as an opportunity to answer client’s queries and advise on the process. We also discuss timeframes at this meeting.

2. Quote prepared for production of scheme and sent to client.

The quote is prepared following the meeting and can take one of two forms, a fixed fee quote or an hourly quote with timesheet.

3. Client instruction to proceed received.

On receipt of client instruction to proceed we will advise next steps and arrange a convenient time for the client where a measured survey is required.

Week 1.

4. Measured survey undertaken if required.

4.i. Topographical survey arranged on behalf of client if required.

A topographic survey is usually required for larger sites or where extensive groundworks are necessary.

Week 2.

5. Existing drawings prepared.

4.ii. Topographical survey received.

6. First draft proposal drawings prepared & sent to client for review.

When these are sent the comments may be simple such that only an email exchange is necessary, or the client may request a site meeting or video conference.

Week 5.

7. Client's comments received, amendments made and drawings sent back to client for review.

On completion of the plans other consultant inputs may be required at this stage to enable a planning application.

8. Scheme assessed against Permitted Development guidance and client advised whether scheme meets Permitted Development criteria.

When the assessment is done and the scheme does not meet Permitted Development criteria R.A.Grundy Architectural Services Limited will advise the client on amendments which could be made to enable Permitted Development conformity

Week 6.

9. Drawings sent for Lawful Development Certificate determination, building regulations drawings preparation and/ or specialist consultant’s review.

Timeframes are typical and may be adjusted to meet client requirements, reflect work complexity, allow for other professional’s inputs, etc.

Permitted development

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